Create a Right/Wrong or True/False Quiz

Does your quiz have correct or incorrect answers? It's easy to create a quiz like this right in LeadQuizzes!

Do you want to tell your quiz takers the correct answer after they answer a question? That's easy in LeadQuizzes! All you need to do is create a right/wrong or true/false quiz. 

A right/wrong or true/false quiz has 5 key elements 

  1. A Start Screen - letting your audience know what the quiz is going to determine (like are you a true fan of a sports team) 
  2. Text or Image Questions - those right/wrong or knowledge based questions you want to ask
  3. Text or Image fields - these are going to tell your quiz taking audience what the real answer is
  4. A Form Field - that collects their information so you can send them more information and continue to market to them
  5. Results/thank you page - thanking them for taking the quiz and letting them know next steps

To create a right/wrong or true/false quiz follow the steps below: 

  1. From theDashboard click to Create a new piece of content. 

2. Name your piece of content (remember just you will see this so make sure it makes sense to you)

3. To add a start page to your quiz, something that tells your quiz viewers what the quiz is for, then click on Cover Page on the left-hand side and drag it to the Start Screen box on the right. From there, fill in the information that you would like to include.

4. Next you will need Text Questions or Image Questions. This will allow you to ask the responder your quiz questions. You can add as many of these as you would like throughout your quiz! To add this to your piece of content click on the appropriate Content Element, under the Content Elements section on the left hand side and drag it to the Content Elements block on the right. From there fill in the information you would like to include.

5. After each question you need to add a Text or Image field so that you can let the quiz taker know what the correct answer is. You will want to add one of these for every question that you ask. To add this to your piece of content click on the appropriate Content Element under the Content Elements section on the left hand side and drag it to the Content Elements block on the right. From there fill in the information you would like to include.

5. Next you need to know who is taking the quiz, so you can send them more information and continue to market to them. So you need to add a Form Field. To add this to your piece of content click on Form Fields, under Content Elements, and drag it to the Content Elements block on the right. From there fill in the information you would like to include. In the examples below we ask for email and it is the first step in the quiz. 

6. The last piece you need to add to your quiz is the Results/thank you page. To do this you need to add a Result. This can be in the form of the Results Builder (like in our example below), or you can use the URL Redirect to send them to a thank you page on your side. To add this piece of content simply click on the appropriate Result block on the left and drag it to the Results block on the right. Then fill in the appropriate information. 

7. To ensure that your quiz takers get this Results/thank you page you need to go back to at least one of your questions in the Content Elements block and click on the little map icon, as shown below. 

8. Once there you need to drag all of the answers on the left to the result on the right. You can do this by clicking on the answer on the right and dragging it to the left. By doing this you are telling LeadQuizzes that if someone answers that question with that answer then show them that result that you created at the end. 

9. After this you are ready to hit publish and can start using your piece of content :) 

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