Text Questions
Use the text questions block to ask respondents multiple choice questions!
Want to use your content to ask a multiple choice question? Then you are going to use the Text Questions block!
To use this element block simply click on Text Questions under Content Elements on the left side and drag it to the Content Elements box on the right side.
You then have the ability to add the different Text Question elements that you would like.
You can add an image by clicking Select Media.
A Title or question under the title section.
A Description for the question under description.
As well as the Answers.
To add an answer click Add new answer.
And to delete an answer click the trash can icon next to the answer.
You can also reorder the answers by clicking and dragging the three little dots on the left of the answer text.
If you would like a respondent to be able to select multiple answers then toggle the Allow multiple selections switch to On.
You'll also notice a preview of the question on the right of the screen under Content Preview